The 2025 race will be held Oct. 18, 2025 at Murphy-Hanrehan Park.

This is a suburban course through a beautiful park. All races are on trails with two miles of single track, although the south end of the course runs like a single track due to the horses (one mile on the south end is half gravel and half asphalt). All races will start at 15501 Murphy Lake Blvd, Savage, MN. 

These events are to be competitive and fun. They will be official races, however most of the prizes and awards will be for costumes to go along with the Halloween theme.

ourse Information


Registration will open June 1 and close on Oct. 15.
Fees: 5K 10K 25K Marathon 50K 50 Mile
Registration (June 1– Aug. 31) $60 $70 $85 $90 $95 $105
Late Registration (Sept. 1– Oct. 15) $90 $100 $115 $125 $125 $135
Each registration includes a commemorative shirt and a branded finishers award. 

SWAG: To be determined. Shirt sizing is unisex.

Refunds and Bib Transfers
No refunds or bib transfers will be issued for any reason.

cket Pickup/Race Day Information


rop Bags






eneral Park Rules